I'll second that.

It's quite an interesting mental gymnastics challenge, and will get you 
familiar with a lot of the modules. They also have helpful forums for 
when you get stuck.


Danny Navarro wrote:
> http://www.pythonchallenge.com/ is a great way to learn Python.
> Danny
> On Jan 16, 2008 4:58 PM, Fiyawerx < [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     I've been over google for hours now, and I'm sort of at a lull in my
>     learning, as I don't really have a current "goal". I know I could
>     set some easy goal like to learn a specific function or feature, but
>     I still have a hard time with that approach also. I was wondering if
>     anyone knows of any sites where people might request "projects"
>     almost like rentacoder, but for free stuff and/or just for fun.
>     Almost an 'It would be nice if I had a program that did this.. "
>     type of thing to give me some direction. Or does anyone else have
>     any ideas for some types of programs that might actually prove
>     useful to people for beginners to work on?
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