>I  aam  writing some software which calls for some  unreadable code in
> it to let me secretly  set a registration key- it is to be shareware.
> I know this can be done, but have not the foggiest clue of how todo it.
> Any links, articles, pointers?

This is impossible to do completely, and while you work on it, you will 
always feel that the protection is not enough because you understand it, and 
could easily circumvent it.

Some possiblities:
1) Write registration validation in very clever and confusing C and then 
call with ctypes
2) At the very least, compile to pyc (IOW, don't distribute py, but the pyc 
that's generated when imported)
3) Use tricks... look for unreadable code and try to imitate it
4) Individual scenarios
  a) play with floats and strings, mix them, meld them, build sandcastles
  b) almost every good registration has a difficult to follow algorithm of 
arithmetic operations
  c) build hashes on certain times.
  d) Be creative

Here's something interesting.

import time

def genkey(name):                                        #This is for you 
  yr, mn, dy = time.localtime()[:3]
  ad = yr/5.0+6.0*mn%(dy+2)
  tsum=sum(ord(x) for x in name)
  return str(ad+tsum).replace(".",str(mn))

def chkkey(name,key,mn,dy,yr):
  ad = yr/5.0+6.0*mn%(dy+2)
  tsum=sum(ord(x) for x in name)
  ad = str(ad+tsum).replace(".",str(mn))
  return ad==key

Not nearly creative enough I would think.

The best thing I can come up with right now is to use a preexisting function 
in your application to also process your key. That's difficult, yes, but it 
will help discourage people from say~ changing the last line of my chkkey to 
return True

Also, use obscure names. (Not that it will matter in pyc code) 

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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