"bhaaluu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

> Now I am interested in learning how to DESIGN an object-oriented 
> version

A useful distinction. You need to understand what classes are
before you can use them but the art of desiogn is indeed different
to the skills of construction

> Can I use the procedural program as a specification?

Yes, it defines input and required output.

> However, I'd like to design the program so
> it can be expanded in the future.
> If I'm not mistaken, 'reuse' is a design criteria?

Reuse is different to expansion of the existing design. But both are
valid design criteria, and both are quite hard to do until you have
some experience. Initially focus on just getting a set of objects
that collaborate to give the right results. Then you can rework
(or refactor to use the technical jargon) for reuse etc.

One of the earliest ways of doing this has now fallen sonewhat
out of favour but in practie I find it works quite well for beginners

Describe the problem in plain English text(or whatever you
language is!). Underline the nouns and separate into proper
and common nouns. Common nouns are likely classes (although
be careful to check for synonyms - the same class described
by different nouns) while proper nouns are likely to be instances
of classes (which classes may or may not be in your list of
common nouns) Identify the common noun (class) that applies
and add to your list.

Now go through and identify the verbs and adjectives in the text.
Assign each to a noun. Verns are potential methods of the classes
and adjectives are potential attributes.

The end result is a candidate set of classes with potential
methods and attributes. Now try linking them together to identify
relationships. Don't be surprised if not all classes are related to
others - you will usuially identify more classes than you need
and some classes will be "demoted" to attributes of other more
significant classes. And a few attributes may get promoted to
classes in their own right.

Once you have your candidate classes pick a few that look
like they will be core to the problem and try to work through
some scenarios focussing on the interactions between the
objects. At this point its often good to think of the objects
in physical terms - as if you were building a mechanical
model of the problem rather than a software version. What
kinds of signals or messagews would you send to each
object and how would each object interact with those
around it

Don't at this stage worry too much about inheritance.
Focus on function. If you find that several classes have
the same or similar methods then consider if they are
sub types of an abstract superclass. Do NOT use data
attributes for this, always base inheritance heirarchies
on behaviour.

Worth a try. It will miss many OOP tricks but as a starter
methodology it is how millions of OOP programmers began.
As you gain experience you will identify common abstract
patterns. Once that starts then go and read the design
patterns book by Gamma et al.

Thats how I'd do it, I'm sure others will suggest other

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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