At 05:07 AM 2/29/2008, Tim Golden wrote:
Dick Moores wrote:
> I keep missing a certain weekly program on my local NPR station. My
> idea is to record it using software I have, Easy Hi-Q Recorder. I can
> set it to start recording when the program starts, 8pm, but I need to
> have the program playing on my computer. The URL for the station's
> audio is .
> I've got this so far:
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> #coding=utf-8
> import time
> b = '20:00:00'
> while True:
>      a = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
>      time.sleep(0.5)
>      if a == b:
>          print "TIME!"
>          break
> Obviously, I need to replace the  'print "TIME"'  line with something
> that will open IE7 to . But what?

Sidestepping slightly, the natural way to open a URL using
whatever's set up to do so is with os.startfile:

import os

os.startfile (" http://whatever...ram")


I was going to say that, to use IE7 explicitly, you should
use the webbrowser module. But then I realised that, for
reasons which I'm sure are extremely good but which elude
me for now, iexplorer is not one of the registered browsers.

As a fallback, you can look for its apppath entry in the registry
and use subprocess to call that.

Turns out that
does the trick. (IE7 is my default browser.)

So the script that will work is:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import time, os
b = '20:00:00'
while True:
    a = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
    #print a
    if a == b:


Dick Moores

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