Bryan Fodness wrote:
Here is my program. 

Thank you for asking. I for one don't have the time or energy to go through this program in detail.

It would be very helpful if you were to define a few things more clearly. You probably think you have done this but I don't get it.
What is a sequence? Give an example.
What is a sequence within a sequence? Give an example.
What does "fall apart" mean? Wrong results?  Exception? Non-terminating program?
"here is one of the strings that enters the parseSequence function" is this one that causes "everything ... to fall apart"?
Also if the problem is isolated to parseSequence acting on a particular piece of data why do you give us all the data and all the code? That just (for me) confuses things.

I am trying to extract values from a binary file for use in a calculation.  I am having trouble with the logic.  Everything goes well until I use the parseSequence function.  If there is only one sequence I seem fine, but if there is a sequence within a sequence everything seems to fall apart.  I don' t know if I have just looked at this so long that I am not seeing the obvious fix.  Any help would be appreciated.
I have attached the input file that I am using for a test.  Also, here is one of the strings that enters the parseSequence function, broken up to make it more readable.
I would like to get parseDICOM(rawData)['\n0\x82'].
('\n0', 'p\x00', 544,
               \x0c0\x06\x00\x02\x00\x00\x002 ')
import struct
from time import *

print "Creating Variables...\n"


rawData = open('file.dcm', 'rb').read()

# Need to get Transfer Syntax UID (0002,0010) for encoding type

def parsePreamble(data):
    preamble = data[:128]
    dicm = data[128:132]

    if dicm == 'DICM':
        return preamble, 132
        raise NotAPreambleException

def parseMetaElementGL(data):
    vl_field = data[138:140]
    length = struct.unpack('h', vl_field)[0]
    value = struct.unpack('hh',data[140:(140+length)])[0]
    return value
def parseDataElement(data, start):
    if start < (144+parseMetaElementGL(rawData)):
        group_num = data[start:start+2]
        element_num = data[start+2:start+4]
        vr_field = data[start+4:start+6]
        if vr_field == 'UN' or vr_field == 'SQ' or vr_field == 'OB' or vr_field == 'OW':
            unused = data[start+6:start+8]
            vl_field = data[start+8:start+12]
            length = struct.unpack('hh', vl_field)[0]       # 4-byte
            value = data[start+12:(start+12+length)]
            pos = start+12+length
            element = (group_num+element_num)
            return element, pos, value, length
            vl_field = data[start+6:start+8]
            length = struct.unpack('h', vl_field)[0]        # 2-byte
            value = data[start+8:(start+8+length)]
            pos = start+8+length
            element = (group_num+element_num)
            return element, pos, value, length
        while start < len(data):
            group_num = data[start:start+2]
            element_num = data[start+2:start+4]
            vl_field = data[start+4:start+8]        
            length = struct.unpack('hh', vl_field)[0]
            value = data[start+8:(start+8+length)]
            pos = start+8+length
            element = (group_num+element_num)
            return  element, pos, value, length
            print "End of File"

def parseSequence(data, start):

    group_num = data[start:start+2]
    element_num = data[start+2:start+4]
    vl_field = data[start+4:start+8]
    length = struct.unpack('hh', vl_field)[0]
    value = data[start+8:(start+8+length)]
    pos = start+8+length
    element = (group_num+element_num)

    if element == '\xfe\xff\x00\xe0':
        start = start+8
        group_num = data[start:start+2]
        element_num = data[start+2:start+4]
        vl_field = data[start+4:start+8]
        length = struct.unpack('hh', vl_field)[0]
        value = data[start+8:(start+8+length)]
        pos = start+8+length
        element = (group_num+element_num)

        if element == '\xfe\xff\x00\xe0':
            start = start+8
            group_num = data[start:start+2]
            element_num = data[start+2:start+4]
            vl_field = data[start+4:start+8]
            length = struct.unpack('hh', vl_field)[0]
            value = data[start+8:(start+8+length)]
            pos = start+8+length
            element = (group_num+element_num)
            return  element, pos, value

            return  element, pos, value
         return  element, pos, value

def parseDICOM(data):
    elements = []
    values = []
        preamble, next = parsePreamble(data)
    except NotAPreambleException:
        preamble, next = None, 0

    while next < len(data):
        element, next, value, length = parseDataElement(data, next)

        if element == '\n0\x10\x00' or element == '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' or element == '\n0p\x00' or element == '\n0\xb0\x00':
            start = 0

            while  start < length:
                element, start, svalue = parseSequence(value, start)
    paired = zip(elements, values)
    search = dict(paired)
    return search

# Access variables for use in calculation

InstanceCreationDate = parseDICOM(rawData)['\x08\x00\x12\x00']
InstanceCreationTime = parseDICOM(rawData)['\x08\x00\x13\x00']
PatientsName = parseDICOM(rawData)['\x10\x00\x10\x00']
RTPlanLabel = parseDICOM(rawData)['\n0\x02\x00']
DoseReferenceDescription = parseDICOM(rawData)['\n0\x16\x00']
ToleranceTableLabel = parseDICOM(rawData)['\n0C\x00']
NumberOfBeams = int(parseDICOM(rawData)['\n0\x80\x00'])
BeamDoseSpecificationPoint = parseDICOM(rawData)['\n0\x82']

print "Instance Creation Date\t\t\t=\t%s" %InstanceCreationDate
print "Instance Creation Time\t\t\t=\t%s" %InstanceCreationTime
print "Patients Name\t\t\t\t=\t%s" %PatientsName
print "RT Plan Label\t\t\t\t=\t%s" %RTPlanLabel
print "DoseReference Description\t\t=\t%s" %DoseReferenceDescription
print "Tolerance Table Label\t\t\t=\t%s" %ToleranceTableLabel
print "Number Of Beams\t\t\t\t=\t%i" %NumberOfBeams
print "Beam Dose Specification Point\t\t=\t%s" %LeafJawPostions


print "\nVariables created in %.3f seconds\n" %time

"The game of science can accurately be described as a never-ending insult to human intelligence." - João Magueijo

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Bob Gailer
919-636-4239 Chapel Hill, NC

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