Eric and SPE are also nice.

The good thing here is that the majority of IDEs for Python are free.


Am Donnerstag, den 03.04.2008, 16:57 +0100 schrieb Alan Gauld:
> "Jeffrey Dates" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> > So as I'm starting to get into writing some scripts, I'm looking for
> > recommendations for a nifty script editor.  Ideally a 
> > freeware/shareware
> > solution until I can justify a purchase of something more beefy.
> editor choice is a sensitive topic for programmers and
> tends to lead to religious wars.
> > Currently I'm using PSPad, however it's pretty dumb and doesn't 
> > recognize
> > Python context.  Which, I suppose is fine, but would be nice if 
> > there was
> > one.  Especially since I'm learning.
> If you are on Windows then the Pythonwin editor is pretty good.
> Or for a simple editor you can use Scite which is the same editor
> engine as Pythonwin but includes multiple tabbed panes. But
> doesn't include an interactive shell.
> At the other end of the scale you can install PyDev into the
> eclipse editor which is a good solution if you already use
> Eclipse for anything else.
> emacs and vim can both be made Python aware too.
> And there are lots of others that each has their followers.
> SPE and Ala Mode(comes with wxPython) are others that
> I personally tried and found OK.
> My normal tools are:
> Pythonwin for short coding sessions or when using the >>>
> prompt a lot.
> For longer coding sesssions I use the 3 window approach:
> vijm for editing, a DOS(Cygwin) window for running the code and
> another Cygwin window running the Python >>> prompt.
> And Alt-Tab to switch between them.
> > My run time environment is IDLE.
> But IDLE should never be your main run time environment.
> It is an IDE for developing code but you should run the code
> under the interpreter within the OS, you will generally get better
> (more predicatable!) results that way. The IDLE editor is
> OK too of course but I assumed you didn't want it for
> some reason?
> HTH,

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