On Wed, Apr 09, 2008 at 08:04:03AM -0400, Kent Johnson wrote:
> H.C. v. Stockhausen wrote:
> > On Tue, Apr 08, 2008 at 10:35:37AM -0700, Dinesh B Vadhia wrote:
> >> Hi!  Google announced an app server
> > how safe is it to just run the dev server, as I didn't get one of the 
> > prerelease accounts either.
> If by 'safe' you mean 'secure', I don't really know but I guess it is 
> probably pretty safe. The dev server is based on BaseHTTPServer and 
> other elements of the Python std lib.
> If by 'safe' you mean 'robust', then no. I wouldn't use the dev server 
> for a production server:
> - The dev server is single-threaded - it only serves one request at a
>    time.
> - The datastore is written in Python so it will probably not match the
>    performance of PostgreSQL or the native Google Apps datastore.
> - The default datastore stores all objects in memory so it will not
>    scale well.
> - User login is stubbed out

Thanks for your reply, Kent. I woulnd't expect the dev server to scale
too well either. Security is what I was mainly concerned with.

Just in case, I have resricted access to the development console 
at /_ah/admin through HTTP basic authentication.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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