Robert Kirkpatrick wrote:
> Hi All,
> Just wondering if there are any basic conventions for including code
> snippets that are for testing / debugging only?
> For example, you could set a boolean variable called DEBUG, then have
> snippets of code like:
> if DEBUG:
>     do stuff
> else:
>     do otherstuff
> The use case I'm dealing with right now is to query the SVN commits for a
> weekly period and report on each user for that time period.  If I'm testing
> though, I only want to cycle through a few users, not all of them.
> I'm thinking there has to be something slicker than that but maybe not...
> Thoughts?
> Rob

Check the logging standard module. I use it this way (from the manual) :


import logging

                     format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',
logging.debug('A debug message')'Some information')
logging.warning('A shot across the bows')


I put the logging.debug('dbg messg') at the appropriate places. When I'm 
done then I replaces the logging.basicConfig(level=logging.CRITICAL or 
just 100 so as not to log anything and that's it.
You have 6 preset levels, but you can define as many levels you want.

Level           Numeric value
CRITICAL        50
ERROR           40
WARNING         30
INFO            20
DEBUG           10
NOTSET          0

Once you have your logging set you use a tail program to watch your log 
and see what's going on.


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