OK. take a look on the pages:

 1. http://www.djangobook.com/
 2. Official docs on http://www.djangoproject.com/
 3. Dive into python (http://diveintopython.org/)
 4. And the last one (but the best) showmedo: http://showmedo.com/

On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 6:20 AM, Che M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  [I thought I sent a similar msg to this list 2 days ago, but now I'm not
> sure it went through, so sorry if I've doubled]
> Can someone point me to a start-from-dead-scratch tutorial about the
> basics of web programming?  I've been learning wxPython for GUI programming,
> but web programming (that is, making web applications) seems like another
> world entirely.  I'm aware of *names*--Django, Pylons, CherryPy, TurboGears,
> Zope, Webpy, etc.--but I have a poor sense of what all this means,  and so I
> am sort of 'pre-Python' in my understanding.  I've scanned the archives of
> this list, but so far haven't found pointers to tutorials that assume very
> little knowledge.
> I was kind of hoping Alan Gauld's project would be updated for the
> tempting but not yet existent section on web programming.  Any word on that,
> Alan?  In lieu of that, can anyone recommend books/online tutorials/words of
> advice?
> Thanks,
> Che
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