On Sun, June 8, 2008 1:54 am, dave selby wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am trying to improve my code quality and have started using doc
> strings. What format do you guys use for your doc strings ? I have 'made
> up' the following general format ...

Your made-up format looks good.  It's great that you give thought to it.

I've seen the style-guide where it is suggested that the first line of the
doc string for a function is a very short description, starting with a
verb, like you did.  That description should fit on one line.

Then there's a blank line.

Then there's the bigger explanation, calling instructions, return values,
exceptions raised, copyright notice, maybe.

A good thing is to type help("your_module") in the interpreter so that you
can see if you like the doc string and if it meshes nicely with what the
help facility provides for free.

But, mostly, I have to say that your instinct is good.

Marilyn Davis

> Cheers
> Dave
> def gen_vhost(kmotion_dir): """
> Generate the kmotion vhost file from vhost_template expanding %directory%
> strings to their full paths as defined in kmotion.rc
> arguments : kmotion_dir ... the 'root' directory of kmotion
> exceptions:
> exit ... if kmotion.rc cannot be read
> returns:
> """
> parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() parsed =
> parser.read('%s/core/kmotion.rc' % kmotion_dir) try:
> images_dbase_dir = parser.get('dirs', 'images_dbase_dir') port =
> parser.get('misc', 'port') LDAP_enabled = parser.get('LDAP', 'enabled') in
> ['true',
> 'True',  'yes',  'Yes']
> LDAP_url = parser.get('LDAP', 'AuthLDAPUrl')
> except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError):
> ............
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