A little background on myself. I am a web designer so I am a Mac person. I have taught myself HTML and flash by reading manuals and a lot of trial and error over the last 11 years. I have always wanted to learn a language like php, asp, .net but I never took the time to learn them. I have recently found Python and believe this is the language that I will "hang-my-hat-on" and learn. I don't have any formal training in any coding language but I do have the "will" to learn. Since my background is web, I want to learn Python and how it relates to the web. I have been told that I need to learn and understand the basics in "standard/general" Python before I move onto something like "django" but really, how much Python do I need to know before I can head down the web path? Is Python a language a total beginner/tutorial reader like myself can learn or do I need to take classes at a local college? Is their is just too much to learn to do this on my own. I am starting to get a bit over whelmed with all of the information I'm finding.
So, can anybody head me in the right direction with my endeavor?
Since I am on an intel/Mac which IDE should I be using? Which one will be robust enough to take me through my journey? I have started with IDLE but I have been told that it is a bare bones IDE. So, if I need to learn how to use a IDE, I want to learn one that I will not have to discard as I become more familiar with the Python language.

Thanks for any help.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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