"asdg asdg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

You need to add the folder containing this module to your PYTHONPATH.

Being picky you want to add it to your sys.path value

Python loads sys.path from the values in PYTHONPATH which is
an OS environment variable. Modifying PYTHONPATH after you
start Python will have no effect on the current session. PYTHONPATH
changes will only affect the next session you start.

To do this, go to you interpreter and type:
import sys

The snag with this is you need to do it every time you want to use
swampy. To make it apply in every session then you need to add it to

Python imports it's modules from specific folders on your hard-drive.
These folders where Python looks in are contained in a list.
sys.path is actually the list containing those path names.
Appending new path names to sys.path makes python look
in those locations too when importing modules.

And Python automatically appends any folders it finds in
PYTHONPATH when it starts up.


Alan G

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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