Hello everybody:

I am new to this mailing list, and it said that i could the simplest of 
questions. So i was wondering if anyone could be so kind as to e-mail me a 
project idea or something to go out an learn to do in python. I don't know any 
languages, but i am definitely not computer illiterate. i have read so many 
tutorial about getting started but so far that is where the tutorial have left 
me ( how to print  "Hello World") and such. 

Any ideas great thanks.


    Someone posted the description on how to fid and list files. This is one 
you could look at, study, and then expand on it. I added the file search as 

    In each module you can expand and do much more with it, but when dealing 
with files and directories you must remember that you can erase a lot of stuff 
if you're not careful.

    Enjoy, Bruce

import sys, os   # imports all the functions in the os module (operating system 
cwd = os.getcwd()   # gets the current working directory and places it in the 
variable cwd
print "Enter file to search for: "
file2find = str(raw_input("__>"))
if file2find=="":
dirFiles = open( "filelist.txt","w")  # creates the file filelist.txt ready for 
writing using the variable dirFiles
# the walk function returns the current directory in root, the directories in 
# and the files in root in files. By using the for loop it traverses every 
# from the starting folder.
c=0  #Count the files found!
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(cwd):
#    dirFiles.write(root + "\n")   # writes to dirFiles.txt the current 
directory name
    i=0   #file count for directory to save directory path if found!
    for theFiles in files:      # will iterate all the files in the current 
        if file2find in theFiles:
            if i==1:
                dirFiles.write(root + "\n")   # writes to dirFiles.txt the 
current directory name
            dirFiles.write( "___________ " + theFiles + "\n") # writes the 
filename to dirlist.txt. the
dirFiles.close() # Cleanly saves and closes the file dirlist.txt
# Note: the "\n" in the write lines adds the newline character so that the next 
write starts on a newline

import sys, os   # imports all the functions in the os module (operating system 
cwd = os.getcwd()   # gets the current working directory and places it in the 
variable cwd
print "Enter file to search for: "
file2find = str(raw_input("__>"))
if file2find=="":
dirFiles = open( "filelist.txt","w")  # creates the file filelist.txt ready for 
writing using the variable dirFiles
# the walk function returns the current directory in root, the directories in 
# and the files in root in files. By using the for loop it traverses every 
# from the starting folder.
c=0  #Count the files found!
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(cwd):
#    dirFiles.write(root + "\n")   # writes to dirFiles.txt the current 
directory name
    i=0   #file count for directory to save directory path if found!
    for theFiles in files:      # will iterate all the files in the current 
        if file2find in theFiles:
            if i==1:
                dirFiles.write(root + "\n")   # writes to dirFiles.txt the 
current directory name
            dirFiles.write( "___________ " + theFiles + "\n") # writes the 
filename to dirlist.txt. the
dirFiles.close() # Cleanly saves and closes the file dirlist.txt
# Note: the "\n" in the write lines adds the newline character so that the next 
write starts on a newline
import os   # imports all the functions in the os module (operating system 
cwd = os.getcwd()   # gets the current working directory and places it in the 
variable cwd
dirFiles = open( "dirlist.txt","w")  # creates the file dirlist.txt ready for 
writing using the variable myfiles
# the walk function returns the current directory in root, the directories in 
# and the files in root in files. By using the for loop it traverses every 
# from the starting folder.
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(cwd):
    dirFiles.write(root + "\n")   # writes to dirlist.txt the current directory 
    for theFiles in files:      # will iterate all the files in the current 
        dirFiles.write( "___________ " + theFiles + "\n") # writes the filename 
to dirlist.txt. the
dirFiles.close() # Cleanly saves and closes the file dirlist.txt
# Note: the "\n" in the write lines adds the newline character so that the next 
write starts on a newline
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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