Hi, I am trying to get a while loop that will execute 5 time then stop.

# Filename myfirstclass.py
# A Little digital clock

from time_class import Time
import sys
import time

mytime = Time()

print "Can you tell me the time (24h)?"
hour = input("Give the hour: ")
minute = input("Give the minutes: ")
second = input("Give the seconds: ")

mytime.set_time(hour, minute, second)
#counter = 0
#while counter < 5 :
#    counter = counter + 1
while True:
   time.sleep(1) # Sleep for 1 second
counter = 0
while counter < 5 :
   counter = counter + 1

Here is the class;

# Filename: time_class.py

class Time:

   def __init__(self):
       self.__hour = 0
       self.__minute = 0
       self.__second = 0

   def set_time(self, hour, minute, second):

   def set_hour(self, hour):
       if 0 <= hour and hour < 24:
           self.__hour = hour

   def set_minute(self, minute):
       if 0 <= minute and minute < 60:
         self.__minute = minute
def set_second(self, second):
       if 0 <= second and second < 60:
           self.__second = second

   def tick(self):
       self.__second += 1
       self.__minute += self.__second / 60
       self.__hour += self.__minute / 60
self.__hour = self.__hour % 24
       self.__minute = self.__minute % 60
       self.__second = self.__second % 60
def print_time(self):
       print '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (self.__hour, self.__minute, self.__second)

Thanks, very new to Python.

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