> I'm iterating through a vey large tarfile (uncompressed, it would be about
> 2.4G, with about 2.5 million files in it) and I can see from some external
> monitors that its virtual storage usage just grows and grows, until my
> whole system finally grinds to a halt after about 1.2 million members have
> been processed.

Well, you can check whether your system has reached its limits or not, but
what for ? it will lead you no where as the only sthing you can do is stop
your program (while MEM_stat <= 1G: parse(); else: break) & you don't get
anything done.  I believe installing more memroy in your system is the way
to go, you need to have at least 3G of Memory (memory is cheap these days),
then don't let python use it as you don't know how much memory it will need
for your program's internal routines, but create a virtual drive in memory
(RAM DRIVE) extract the tar file into it &  parse its content as you wish
(ofcourse you can use harddrive too ut its gona be VERY slow (specialy on
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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