"Steve Poe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
In [3]: people = [ 'Tom', 'Dick', 'Harry' ]

Okay, now let's join people to people and what do we get?

An error, join only works on a single string.

It joins the elements of a sequence of strings into a single
string using the 'owning' string. In some ways, from an OOP point of view the method is counterintuitive. It should really be a method of a sequejnce taking a string as argument:


makes more sense to me than


But the second is the correct form.
I found the string module function more readable

import string
string.join(['1','2','3'], '/')

Not least because you could omit the second argument and get a default space. Making join a member of the sequence would have allowed the default behaviour to continue. But I assume there were subtle snags with that scheme.

Just my personal opinion...

Alan G.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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