PLEASE REPLY TO THE GROUP NOT JUST ME. Did you miss my request for that (reply-all)?

Umesh Singhal wrote:
Hi Bob,
unfortunately when i pasted in the code it seems to have gone wrong this is how it is at the moment with the correct indentation for the nested loop:
a=raw_input('please enter a number')
for row in range(1, n):
     for col in range(1, n):
             print "%3d " % (row * col),
I am also unaware of what code I would need to enter to enable the row to have the value selected, if you could please tell me as I will understand it more if i see the code infront of me
thank you
Umesh Singhal

How did you get this much code written and not be able to figure that out?

Put something like

print "%3d |" % row,

between the 2 for statements.

Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC 

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