Rick Pasotto wrote:
I have a dictionary that looks like: d = {k:[v1,[v2,v3,v4]]}

v1,v2,v3,v4 are integers.

I want to print the dictionary sorted by v1, high to low.


You need to pass a compare function in... try

for ii in sorted(d,lambda ii,jj: cmp(d[jj][0],d[ii][0])): d[ii]



gives me the keys in some order different than if I just looped through
the dictionary and not in key order but also not in any order that I can
see. It really appears random.

sorted(d) does give me a sorted list of keys.

How do I sort on v1? How would I sort on v3?

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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