
I am currently trying to teach myself python. This isnt my first language,
as I used to be quite good at using java. But it seems to be a bit harder
for me to understand some stuff. Right now, in trying to teach myself the
language, I thought I would make a simple text based game, like Zork or
Adventure or whatever. Anyway, right now I am trying to create the map
generating function, and I am not exactly sure what to do.

Here is all of the code I have so far:


class Map():
    def __init__(self):

    def make_map():
        #first create array to store data
        map = [][]
        for x in range(10):
            for y in range(10):
                map[x][y] = map_random()

    def map_random():
        #This would do something simple, such as deciding whether
        #this is grass or gravel terrain and if there is an object


I really like python, but the one thing I really hate is that most of the
tutorials treat it like interactive scripting instead of object oriented
development, which really confuses me. So basically right now I dont even
know what equivelent version of main() I would write. I also dont understand
how I could write an accessing method so that I could write Map(1,2), since
the only place that deals with arguments is the __init__ function I think,
and that doesnt seem to deal with arguments. Any help or links to sites
about python and OO stuff would really be appreciated.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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