
I've not used pexpect, but I've done this on a Cisco switch. I found using
time.sleep and read_until of the telnet class to be helpful.

10      tn = telnetlib.Telnet('<IP>')
 11     #tn.set_debuglevel(9)
 12     tn.read_until('Username: \xff', 5)
 13     time.sleep(10)
 14     tn.write('<name>\n')
 15     tn.read_until('\r\nPassword: ', 5)
 16     #time.sleep(2)
 17     tn.write('<password>\n')
 18     tn.read_until('#', 5)
 19     tn.write('term len 0 \n')
 20     tn.read_until('#', 5)
 21     tn.write('show version |  i restarted\n')
 22     RouterStartupTimestamp = tn.read_until('#', 2)
 23     tn.read_until('#', 2)
 24     tn.write('show call history voice last 100\n')



On Sep 20, 2008, at 8:43 AM, James wrote:


Does anyone here have experience with pexpect? I'm trying to write a
pexpect script which will log into a network device, gather
statistics, and then dump the raw output into a file (or a string so
that I can manipulate it).

I'm not having much luck. Because the connection is telnet I was able
to use wireshark (a sniffer) to see the traffic between my computer
(which is running the pexpect script) and the network device.
Everything seems to go find until I "expect" the network device's
prompt and it just hangs. Eventually pexpect throws an exception and
times out.

I'd be happy to share some code when I get to the computer I've been
testing on. :) In the time being, has anyone seen a problem like this

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