I used to do Basic and enjoyed it. Someone said Python was a vastly better language than Visual Basic, which I considered playing with. So I sought to give it a go but struck a sticking point very early. I am now going through the Python tutorial. All went well until I came to IF. The code below was not written by me. It is a copy/paste job from the tutor. I do not have any idea what is going wrong.

IDLE 2.6 >>>
>>> x = int(raw_input("Please enter an integer: "))
Please enter an integer: 42
>>> if x < 0:
...      x = 0
...      print 'Negative changed to zero'
... elif x == 0:
...      print 'Zero'
... elif x == 1:
...      print 'Single'
... else:
...      print 'More'
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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