
I have a type (say: T) which normally receives as main init argument an object that can be of any other type. Occasionally, this arg object may precisely be of type T. In this case, for several reasons, I wish not to "over-instanciate", rather that the constructor returns the source object unchanged. I did some research and trials on the topic, and found as sole solution to overload __new__ as shown below. Still, as said in the doc, __init__ was not skipped (what for?), I need to do it myself. The following example seems to work. I have 3 questions:
* Is there anything I should pay attention to?
* Why, then, is __init__ still executed when the instanciated object is 'manually' returned? What's the use of that feature? * I find this an ugly distorsive practice. Isn't there a more graceful way not to instanciate? Or to simply return the desired object without caring of side-effects? Or am I so far to undestand what's up that I would better stop typing?


class T(object):
        def __new__(self,source):
                print "_new_ -- source: %s:%s" %(source.__class__,source)
                if source.__class__ == T:
                        print "source is T object"
                        return source
                print "new T object instanciated"
                return object.__new__(T,self,source)
        def __init__(self,source):
                print "_init_ -- source: %s:%s"  %(source.__class__,source)
                if source.__class__ != T:
                        print "def attribs"
                        self.typ = source.__class__.__name__
                        self.dat = source
        def __repr__(self):
                return "<%s>:%s" %(self.typ,self.dat)
x = "xxx"
t = T(x)
tt = T(t)
print "x=%s t=%s tt=%s" %(x,t,tt)
_new_ -- source: <type 'str'>:xxx
new T object instanciated
_init_ -- source: <type 'str'>:xxx
def attribs
_new_ -- source: <class '__main__.T'>:<str>:xxx
source is T object
_init_ -- source: <class '__main__.T'>:<str>:xxx
x=xxx t=<str>:xxx tt=<str>:xxx
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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