Marco Catunda wrote:
> Ricardo,
> Try this pattern
> MyPattern = 
> re.compile(r'(.*?Start.*?)((^.*?comment.*?)*)(^.*?comment)(.*?end)',
> re.S | re.M )

Almost did it. But if there was something after and in the same line of
the "comment" I want commented it wouldnt be taken.
from :
    comment xxx
to :
/*    comment*/ xxx
and I wanted :
/*    comment xxx*/

But it helped a lot, I finally got :
>>> MyPattern =
re.S | re.M )

which did the trick.
Thanks a lot Marco!

> On Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 12:52 PM, Ricardo Aráoz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi, I've got a half working re but I can't find a way to give it the
>> final touch.
>> Let's say I have (it would actually be source code file) :
>>>>> import re
>>>>> MyString = """Algo
>> ... Start
>> ...     otro
>> ...     comment
>> ...     otro
>> ...     comment
>> ...     comment
>> ...     otro
>> ... end
>> ...     """
>>>>> MyPattern =
>> re.compile(r'(.*?Start.*?)((comment.*?)*)(comment)(.*?end)', re.S)
>>>>> print MyString
>> Algo
>> Start
>>    otro
>>    comment
>>    otro
>>    comment
>>    comment
>>    otro
>> end
>>>>> print MyPattern.sub(r'\1\2/*\4*/\5', MyString)
>> Algo
>> Start
>>    otro
>>    comment
>>    otro
>>    comment
>>    /*comment*/
>>    otro
>> end
>> Which is basically ok. I have to find the last "comment" in the block
>> and comment it. But I'd like to comment the whole line, my desired
>> output would be :
>> Algo
>> Start
>>    otro
>>    comment
>>    otro
>>    comment
>> /*    comment*/
>>    otro
>> end
>> And if there was something after the "comment" I would also like it to
>> be commented :
>> from:
>>    comment and something else
>> to :
>> /*   comment and something else*/
>> any help?
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