Hi Kent,

   thanks for the valuable suggestion. to make it more clearer
here is my example...

Below is my input text file in dlg format. this dlg file contains 2
one is for coordinate x=50, y=55 and another is for coordinate x=60, y=65.


Machine No.: ABC     Date: March 03,2006 11:22AM
Program Name: DEF
Version: B0  Lot: GHI
Operator: Jane
Item 0.A00.000.001  print_x_y_coordinate

       0.A00.***.***     print_x_y_coordinate

       0.A00.***.***     print_x_y_coordinate >>>>>

       0.A00.***.***     print_x_y_coordinate

       0.A00.***.***     print_x_y_coordinate

Item 5004.A00.000.001  current_item

    5004.A00.***.***     current_item A

    5004.A00.***.***     current_item -16.737uA,

    5004.A00.***.***     current_item

    5004.A00.***.***     current_item description:, 50, 55,0, 16,16.737

     400.A00.***.***     curr_log_item

     400.A00.***.***     curr_log_curr curr:, 50, 55,2.9,1.5,   18.00760,
17.84030,   18.06844,    0.10003,    0.06925,   -0.00769

     400.A00.***.***     curr_log_item curr:, 50, 55,3.3,1.8,   21.52091,
21.64259,   21.68821,   -0.00769,    0.08464,    0.00769

     400.A00.***.***     curr_log_item curr:, 50, 55,3.7,2.1,   24.42586,
24.48669,   24.50190,    0.02308,   -0.06925,   -0.14620

Item 0.A00.000.001  get_time_item

       0.A00.***.***     get_time_item Time:, 50, 55,47.733332s

b00 Result=OK, Number=2

Machine No.: ABC     Date: March 03,2006 11:24AM
Program Name: DEF
Version: B0  Lot: GHI
Operator: Jane
Item 0.A00.000.001  print_x_y_coordinate

       0.A00.***.***     print_x_y_coordinate

       0.A00.***.***     print_x_y_coordinate >>>>>

       0.A00.***.***     print_x_y_coordinate

       0.A00.***.***     print_x_y_coordinate

Item 5004.A00.000.001  current_item

    5004.A00.***.***     current_item A

    5004.A00.***.***     current_item -25.737uA,

    5004.A00.***.***     current_item

    5004.A00.***.***     current_item description:, 60, 65,1, 16,25.737

     400.A00.***.***     curr_log_item

     400.A00.***.***     curr_log_curr curr:, 60, 65,2.9,1.5,   19.00760,
18.84030,   19.06844,    0.20003,    0.16925,   -0.10769

     400.A00.***.***     curr_log_item curr:, 60, 65,3.3,1.8,   22.52091,
22.64259,   22.68821,   -0.10769,    0.18464,    0.10769

     400.A00.***.***     curr_log_item curr:, 60, 65,3.7,2.1,   25.42586,
25.48669,   25.50190,    0.12308,   -0.16925,   -0.24620

Item 0.A00.000.001  get_time_item

       0.A00.***.***     get_time_item Time:, 60, 65,57.444455s

b00 Result=OK, Number=3


the output file below in csv excel format


Machine No.      Lot    Date                   Time              X
Y    current item     curr1_2.9_1.5    curr2_2.9_1.5    curr5_2.9_1.5
curr3_3.7_2.1    curr5_3.7_2.1    Time             Number
ABC                 GHI   March 03, 2006    11:22AM        50    55
16.737            18.00760           17.84030          0.06925
24.50190          -0.06925            47.733332s    2
ABC                 GHI   March 03, 2006    11:24AM        60    65
25.737            19.00760           18.84030          0.16925
25.50190          -0.16925            57.444455s    3


if my explanation is not so clear let me know. thanks.

best regards,

On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 10:43 AM, Kent Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 6:16 PM, Gilbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi People,
> >
> >     I tried to look for some answers but I see only same data format
> > processing ( *.txt to *.txt ) in python.
> > my question is how to convert a text file ( e.g. *.log, *.dlg ) to excel
> > *.csv using python programming.
> This kind of program can be pretty simple, depending on the format of
> your text file. It generally will have the form
> open input file
> open output file
> open csv writer for output file
> for each line in input:
>  split the line into fields
>  write the fields to the csv writer
> close input file
> close output file
> The real program may not be much longer than that. I really depends on
> what you need to do with the input lines. Can you show an example?
> Kent
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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