"Shrutarshi Basu" <technorapt...@gmail.com> wrote

I have a list containing strings like :


I want to turn them into method calls (with numeric or string
arguments) on a supplied object.

The easiest way is to call getattr() which will return a reference
to the method if it exists.

be rather complex (mainly graphics manipulation) I would like to start
by getting a list of the object's methods and make sure that all the
strings are valid.

Why not just handle it using try/except?
Thats exactly what exceptions were designed for.

Is there a way to ask an object for a list of it's
methods (with argument requirements if possible)?

You can try dir() but that won't give you the parameters.
But again try/except can catch an invalid call and you can detect
whether the number of parameters is wrong in the except clause.

method name (say func1)  in a variable, say var, could I do
object.var() and have if call the func1 method in object?

no, but you can do this:

class C:
...     def f(self, x): print x
c = C()
['__doc__', '__module__', 'f']
m = getattr(c,'f')
try: m(43,'foo')
... except TypeError:
...     # parse the error message here
...     print 'Method of', c, 'takes ??? arguments'
Method of <__main__.C instance at 0x01BF8350> takes ??? arguments


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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