On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 2:55 PM, Matt Herzog <m...@blisses.org> wrote:
> What I can't figure out now is how to pass a compiled regex to an optparse 
> option. I'm confused ias to "option" versus "arg" when using the optparse 
> module. In fact there seems to be no way to define what the arg should be; 
> only options. Is the arg always implied? I have read several pages on 
> optparse and am none the wiser.

You want to *retrieve* the regex from the option, not pass it to the
option. See below.

"args" is the positional arguments - any parameters that aren't
prefixed with a switch like "-x". They don't need any configuration.

> How do I fix the rx = re.compile('-x') line below so that the string I pass 
> on the command line gets passed into the re.compile?
> #!/usr/bin/python
> import fileinput, sys, string, optparse, re
> #def main():
> optparser = optparse.OptionParser()
> optparser.add_option("-x", "--regx", help="regular expression")
> # take the first argument out of sys.argv and assign it to searchterm
> #searchterm, sys.argv[1:] = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2:]
> (options, args) = optparser.parse_args()
> rx = re.compile('-x')

  rx = re.compile(options.regx)

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