On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 8:34 AM, Ian Egland <echol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all, I just joined this mailing list.
> I am a beginner to programming in general and would really appreciate a
> tutorial for Python3000 that at least covers the basics. I have tried

Hello Ian,
That is a nice reason to get started with a language.

However, you have to remember that Python 3.0 is not a new language at
all. It is just a backwards impatible release of the original almighty
pyhon, which just tends to increase its strength and clean its design

I am not at all surprised that you did not find any beginner Python
3.0 tutorial. It might be coming out soon, but the curretly people
migrating to Python 3.0 are ones who already know python 2k well.

So, for your purposes I would suggest the following.

1) Get Beginner Python tutorial. (See Alan's tutorial in this mailing
list and also google for A Byte of Python)
2) Read and understand the language well. Get comfortable upto a point
where you can differentiate between string, unicode and bytes. I
should warn you that it might take months' time.

and now you can read this very beginner friendly introduction to Python 3k.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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