On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 5:18 PM, Kent Johnson <ken...@tds.net> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 4:51 PM, spir <denis.s...@free.fr> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> is there a way to give arguments to a class definition? Eg
>> class MonoList(list, typ, number):
>>        item_type = typ
>>        item_number = number
> Use the type() function (which is the constructor for the type 'type')
> to dynamically create classes (i.e. types), e.g.
> In [1]: typ = int
> In [2]: number = 3
> In [3]: MonoList = type("MonoList", (list,), dict(item_type=typ,
> item_number=number))
> In [4]: ml = MonoList()
> In [5]: ml.item_type
> Out[5]: <type 'int'>
> In [6]: ml.item_number
> Out[6]: 3
> In [7]: isinstance(ml, list)
> Out[7]: True

And to show that these are class attributes:
In [4]: MonoList.item_number
Out[4]: 3

In [5]: MonoList.item_type
Out[5]: <type 'int'>

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