Hello everybody,

I have easily spent some four hours on this problem, and I am now asking for rescue.

Here is what I am trying to do: I have a file ("step2", with some 30 or so lines. To each line I would like to add " -d" at the end. Finally, I want to save the file under another name ("pyout". So far I have managed to read the file, line by line, and save it under another name:


# add " -d" to each line of a textfile

infile = open("step2", 'r') # open file for appending
outfile = open("pyout","a") # open file for appending

line = infile.readline()    # Invokes readline() method on file
while line:
    outfile.write(line),    # trailing ',' omits newline character
    line = infile.readline()



As I said, before writing to file "pyout" I would like to append the string " -d" to each line. But how, where? I can't append to strings (which the lines gained with infile.readline() seem be), and my trial and error approach has brought me nothing but a headache.

Thanks for your help!


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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