"Mr Gerard Kelly"  wrote

I am trying to get around the problem of sphere object being unindexable.

Can you give some background? Where are you getting these spheres?
Is this a graphics program or a tookit of some kind?

I need to make spheres appear, positioned according to some list, for

for i in [0,1]:
 sphere(pos=(0,i,0), radius=0.1)

And does this work? Or do you get an error? If so what?

Is there any way of making these different spheres behave differently
without using indexing?

Where is the indexing issue?
Are you trying to store the spheres in a list and index the list
to access a sphere or are you trying to use an index to access
some aspect of the sphere?

Show us the code that sdoesn't work and the error message.
Don't just describe it. Show us. Don't assume we know what
you are trying to do - we are not psychic.

For example, I would like to be able to make the lower sphere go red
when it is clicked on, using this fragment of code:

while True:
 if scene.mouse.events:
   m = scene.mouse.getevent()
   if m.pick is ball[0]:
     ball[0].color = color.red

But obviously it won't work because I haven't named it ball[0].

So why don't you name it ball? and what is m.pick supposed to be?
Some attribute of a muse event based on your code but I have
no idea what it might be!

figure out a way to name the objects based on their position without
using indexing. Is there any way to do this?

A standard list should work and so provided you stored your
spheres in a list when you created them you should be able to
access them via an index. But without real code and a real
error trace we can't help very much other than by making
speculative guesses.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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