Wayne Watson wrote:
> I belong to many, many forums, Yahoo Groups, (Usenet) newsgroups, and
> mail lists. Probably 100 or more. I think it's fair to say that none of
> them but this one has an implicit "Reply All". For newsgroups and mail
> lists, I just press my Mozilla Seamonkey mailer Reply button and the
> resulting message is ready to be seen by everyone, a single address.
> Here a Reply goes only to the poster, none to Tutor. Elsewhere, for
> e-mail-like posts, if I really want to make a special effort to single
> out the poster too, "Reply All" works to additionally get it directly to
> them (actually they'd get two messages directly) and the entire list. 
> For YGs and forums, the  "Reply All" is implicit in a response.
> Since this group, in my world, is unique in these matters, I'll just
> offer the following header for a mail list I belong to, the ASTC, for
> someone's consideration. I suppose that someone might be whoever created
> this mail list. It' definitely different than used here, and no one uses
> "Reply All" to my knowledge.
> Maybe they can figure out if it has applicability here.

This is a contentious topic which comes up at least once a year on this
list. A search of the archives will turn up some interesting debate,
most likely. FWIW, I like the behavior of this list as opposed to others.

You may find these additional references illuminating ... you may not.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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