On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 8:12 AM, Norman Khine <nor...@khine.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> Can someone point me in the right direction. I would like to return the
> string for the following:
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>>> import base64, urllib
>>>> data = 'hL/FGNS40fjoTnp2zIqq73reK60%3D%0A'
>>>> data = urllib.unquote(data)
>>>> print base64.decodestring(data)
> ???Ը???Nzv̊??z?+?
> What am I missing?

How is data created? Since it doesn't decode as you expect, either it
isn't base64 or there is some other processing needed. Do you have an
example of a data string where you know the desired decoded value?

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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