On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 5:09 AM, prasad rao <prasadarao...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> Finally I  managed to writ a function to format a file.
> Thank to everybody for their tips.
> def mmm(a):
> ???? import os,textwrap
> ???? so=open(a)
> ???? d=os.path.dirname(a)+os.sep+'temp.txt'
> ???? de=open(d,'w')
> ???? import textwrap
> ???? for line in so:
> ???????? if len(line)<70:de.write(line+'\n')

You are introducing an extra newline here, line already ends in a newline.

> ????????  if len(line)>70:
> ???????????? da=textwrap.fill(line,width=60)
> ???????????? de.write(da+'\n')

Not sure if textwrap strips the trailing newline, if not, this is also

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