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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: probelm pyhton shell doesnt open help please (Martin Walsh)
   2. Re: while loop problem (Lie Ryan)
   3. problem with an anagram program (jessica cruz)
   4. Re: UNSUBSCRIPTABLE? (Alan Gauld)
   5. Re: problem with an anagram program (Andre Engels)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 08 Mar 2009 23:18:10 -0500
From: Martin Walsh <mwa...@mwalsh.org>
Subject: Re: [Tutor] probelm pyhton shell doesnt open help please
To: tutor@python.org
Message-ID: <49b49882.2070...@mwalsh.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

mustafa akkoc wrote:
it gives this message socket error
<image text>
IDLE's subprocess didn't make a connection. Either IDLE can't start a
subprocess or personal firewall software is blocking the connection.
</image text>

IIRC, this was once a known issue with IDLE when combined with the
windows firewall service, or when running multiple instances of IDLE
(perhaps inadvertently). But, I'm having difficulty tracking down the
pertinent bug report(s) -- maybe these have been fixed? or I'm just
tired, probably the latter.

A couple of suggestions from memory ...
1. Check the process/task list for errant pythonw.exe processes, and end
2. Launch IDLE with the -n flag from a terminal (command prompt).
3. Report back to the list with your results, and include the python and
windows version info if you continue to have trouble.


PS. Keep in mind, some of us won't see images you post to the list so
you should generally include a text version of error messages whenever
possible. Or at least, note when you've included an image so that those
with sufficient interest can make the extra effort to view it, if


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 09 Mar 2009 16:51:28 +1100
From: Lie Ryan <lie.1...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Tutor] while loop problem
To: tutor@python.org
Message-ID: <gp2ap6$j9...@ger.gmane.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

mustafa akkoc wrote:
hello i have syntax problem in this program

After correcting the indentations, and putting a missing parentheses in line 24 (the last line), I don't see any Syntax Error.

# Filename: while.py
number = 23
running = True

while running :
guess= int(input('Enter an integer : ')) # it give a syntax error this line can you me ?

     if guess == number:
         print('Congratulations, you guessed it.')
         running = False # this causes the while loop to stop

     elif guess < number:
         print('No, it is a little higher than that.')

         print('No, it is a little lower than that.')

     print('The while loop is over.')

     # Do anything else you want to do here
print('Done')  # you missed a paren, probably CopyPasteError


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2009 01:28:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: jessica cruz <jessica06c...@yahoo.com>
Subject: [Tutor] problem with an anagram program
To: Tutor@python.org
Message-ID: <823438.88941...@web43139.mail.sp1.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

I just started learning python an I'm currently working on this program. The purpose of this program is to read a string of letters from user input and print out all the words which are anagrams of the input string. This is what I have and when I try to run the program it says that there is an error "invalid syntax" but I can't figure out where.

#this reads all of the words in the file into a list
infile = open('/afs/cats/courses/cmps012a-cm/pa1/wordList.txt')
wdcount = int(infile.readline()) #first item is count of all the words
word_list = infile.readlines()
wordList = []

# code that will be compared will be a histogram type code with frequency
# characters
def code(w):
??? hist = []
??? chars = list(w) ??? chars.sort() ??? for letter in chars: ??????? if not letter in hist:? # when the letter is not already in hist, ??????????? hist.extend([letter, str(w.count(letter))])? # its added to hist along with its freq. ??????? else: ??????????? continue
??? coding = "".join(hist) # then they are joined as one string
??? return coding

# new list is made with words in word_list followed by its code
for word in? word_list:
??? wordList.append(word) ??? wordList.append(code(word[:(len(word)-2)]))

while True:
??? word1 = raw_input('Enter word:') ??? word = word1.lower() ??? sig = code(word) ??? i = 1 ??? if sig in wordList: ??????? print "Anagrams:" ??????? while i <= len(wordList):? # when the sig of the inputed word is in the word list, ??????????? if sig == wordList[i]
??????????? print wordList[i-1]? # the corresponding words are printed
??????????? i += 2 # then adds two because codes are every other entry
??? else:
??????? print "No anagrams"
??? choice = raw_input("Continue? (yes/no)")
??? if choice == 'y' or choice == 'yes':
??????? continue
??? else:
??????? break
??????????? ??????? ??????? ??? ??????? ???

????????????? ??? ??? ???

-------------- next part --------------
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Message: 4
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2009 08:39:44 -0000
From: "Alan Gauld" <alan.ga...@btinternet.com>
Subject: Re: [Tutor] UNSUBSCRIPTABLE?
To: tutor@python.org
Message-ID: <gp2kkl$9p...@ger.gmane.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

"WM." <wfergus...@socal.rr.com> wrote

Well, Mr. Wilkins takes the biscuit. He found where I did not enter a pair of parens.()

But do you understand *why* you got the error and what it was telling you?
Pyton's error message told you exactly what you had done wrong
although you may not have quite understood it. But do you now see
what the error message was telling you when it said:

   File "C:\Python26\TicTacToeD.py", line 150, in main
   File "C:\Python26\TicTacToeD.py", line 68, in DisplayBoard
     print "\n\t", board[1], "|", board[2], "|", board[3]
TypeError: 'function' object is unsubscriptable

Can you understand it clearly enough that when a similar error
comes up in future you will know what to look for and where?

No, Mr. G., I cannot.
My approach has been to key in most of Dawson's programs, to get accustomed to the jargon and to get used to some keys that I didn't know were on the keyboard. My long term memory seems to be pretty shot and the stuff is not soaking in. I have found your tutorial, and some others in the Python B/G file of interest, but not retainable. Two O'Reilly books are worthless to me. Dawson's book is very clear; being half way through it, I should know a great deal more than I do. Oh, well, one should not bring a cap-pistol to a knife fight, nor a leaky brain to an academic task.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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