
Chris Castillo wrote:
Thanks for clearing that up. I knew it was much simpler than I was trying to
make it I just couldn't quite see the logic that I needed for the problem
clearly. Thanks for the elegant code.

On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 10:53 PM, Moos Heintzen <iwasr...@gmail.com> wrote:

binnum = raw_input("Please enter a binary number:  ")
decnum = 0
rank = 1

for i in reversed(binnum):
   decnum += rank * int(i)
   rank *= 2

If you reverse the computation, it gets even simpler:

binstr = raw_input("Please enter a binary number:  ")
decnum = 0

for i in binstr:
    decnum = decnum * 2 + int(i)

print decnum

If you want to preserve the binary spirit of the conversion, you should of course do

for i in binstr:
    decnum = (decnum << 1) | int(i)


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