Title: Signature.html
I guess I haven't made clear above. This is a Red Hat Linux compiled C program. Indications from others above, suggest it is possible to execute it under Win Python. If that's true, then my guess is that something prior to the call must be done in the way of informing the call it is dealing with a non-Win program.

A.T.Hofkamp wrote:
Wayne Watson wrote:
Yes, good, but I tried
myProg = call([r"C:\Sandia_Meteors\Various\FuzzyLogic\wolf", "-h"]),
and get exactly the same results.

So the next step is to find out what is wrong.

In other words, experiment with the problem to get an understanding what is not working. Once you get that, you can start looking for a way to solve it.

Some suggestions for possible experiments:

Are you sure the program is not already finished? (ie it runs the program, and after finishing it gives an error for some reason?)

What does Windows think of it when you run it without Python (ie directly from the OS, eg using a 'cmd' window (or whatever it is called nowadays, my last Win* experience was with W95))?

(The error looks like an OS error, not a Python error. By trying it without Python, you can decide whether you need to convince your OS to run the program or you whether need to convince Python.)

Possibly a stupid suggestion, don't you need to add '.exe' at the end?
(I am pretty much clueless with Windows, so maybe this is nonense.)

Alternatively, try executing a different program that you know to be working at Windows.
(The python.exe would be one such program, but it may be confusing to run several python programs at the same time.)

Last but not least, what error do you get when you try running something that does not exist?
(Do you get the same error, or do you get a different one? If the latter, you know Python gives the path correctly to Windows.)
What happens if you give it a non-executable file? (just giving wild suggestions for experiments you can do to get more understanding of why it is refusing to run the file.)


           Wayne Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)

             (121.01 Deg. W, 39.26 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)

                Life is one damn thing after another."
                     -- Mark Twain 
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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