2009/4/7 Wayne Watson <sierra_mtnv...@sbcglobal.net>:
> What I would consider a big difficulty with flat text is exactly that it is
> flat. There are lots of times, in my experience, when a graphic,
> particularly captured ones, can lead to much faster and smarter solution. I
> think this list may allow them, but it seems at a delay.

The problem lies not with plain text but how people write text. If one
structures their e-mails properly it does not make any difference if
it is in plain text or rtf/html.

rtf/html also do not guarantee that your indentation is displayed
properly. So if one want to keep using html/rtf I would recommend
using a pastebin.

> My experience is
> the opposite of yours with forums. I use Yahoo Groups fairly often. Although
> I don't like the advertising present there, which is pretty minimal, they at
> least something of a cross between graphics and text. One can upload images
> for examination by others. Some forums and all YGs even allow videos. I've
> even used videos to solve some hardware problems.

If you need to show your code with proper indentation and syntax
highligthing use a pastebin. Also there are many places where one can
upload (for free) pictures and videos which then can be linked to in
the message.

> Maybe mail lists should be
> divided into segments. Say, one for people who use text and others for
> whatever media they are comfortable with.

And this accomplishes that tutors will have to read multiple lists and
keep track of which list they are tutoring. If I was one of them I
would refuse. It also does not solve the problem highlighted earlier.

So I agree with Bob that on *mailing lists* plain text is the
preferred format. But other formats should not be _rejected_ as this
would scare away potential pythoniasts which goes against the gaol of
the mailing list.

Anyhow, this discussion has gone way off topic and I suggest all to
drop it as it will only lead to flame wars.


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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