Martin Walsh wrote:
David wrote:
David wrote:
I have a budget program I am using to learn from.

I can not figure out how to get the transaction details to return so
that it looks nice. It returns like this now.

Your transaction History is: [(1, u'Food', -100), (2, u'Deposit',
-200), (3, u'Deposit', 500), (4, u'Python Book', -50)]

Here is how it gets to that point;

def get_transactions(self):
    ct.execute("select * from transact;")
    return ct.fetchall()

def report_transactions(self):
    return self.database.get_transactions()

def display_transactions(self):
    print "Your transaction History is:",[5]=("Transaction History",self.display_transactions)

Can I use the numbers 1,2,3,4 as a way to return the history?

Thanks, I hope I explained it correctly :)
Ok this seems to work OK;
    def display_transactions(self):
        transactions =
        for data in transactions:
            print "Transaction History: ", data[-2], data[-1]

It would be helpful if you showed the output you expect. Here is another
option ...

def display_transactions(self):
    transactions =
    print "Your transaction History is:"
    for n, k, v in transactions:
        print ' %-15s %10.2f' % (k, v)


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Thanks very nice,

Your transaction History is:
 Food               -100.00
 Deposit            -200.00
 Deposit             500.00
 Python Book         -50.00
 Gift                300.00

Also thank you Alan for your tips :)

def report_transactions(self):
    return self.database.get_transactions()

Unless you intend doing something useful this function
is just an extra later of processing!

I got a kick out of it, helped me understand how the different function's and the classes work together, thats all, I found most of the code on the web and just patched it together to be honest :)

Can I use the numbers 1,2,3,4 as a way to return the history?

I don;t really understand what you mean by this bit?

Here is the data as it is returned from sqlite;
Your transaction History is: [(1, u'Food', -100), (2, u'Deposit', -200), (3, u'Deposit', 500), (4, u'Python Book', -50)]

I was wondering if the numbers could be used to return the contents of the tuple's.

Sometimes it is hard to ask a good question when I don't have a clue, thanks for your patience.

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