Hello all,

At the moment I'm using 3 files as datastorage for my program. One file
using ConfigParser and two use the Pickle module.

File one contains for example:
option1 = string1
option2 = string2
option3 = string3

And is connected to one of the Pickle files which is like this:
{ID : [{key1 : value1, key2 : value2}, {key1 : value3, key2 : value4}],
 ID2 : [{key1 : value5, key2 : value6}, {key1 : value7, key2 : value8}]}

The second Pickle file is data not related to an ID or anything...

I was thinking of putting this all in SQL. How would this be done? And what
SQL module for Python should I use?
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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