Johan Geldenhuys wrote:
> Thanks Stefan (decided to continue with a new thread name),

... which isn't quite enough. As long as you reply to the mail, e-mail/news
readers will still sort it into the original thread, so many people will
not see it.

> I basically wants to create a loop that creates a tree, appends it to the
> previous tree and write it all to one file...If that makes sense.
> At the moment my tree is something like this:
> """
> <Signal name="abcde">
>       <Description>WhatEver</Description>
> </Signal>
> """
> Now I want to read a dictionary from somewhere and put new values in the
> name and description. I know how to do that. Now I want to create a loop
> that creates a new tree:
> """
> <Signal name="qazwsx">
>       <Description>HowDee</Description>
> </Signal>
> """
> Now I want to append these to the data I want to write to a single xml file.
> """
> <Signal name="abcde">
>       <Description>WhatEver</Description>
> </Signal>
> <Signal name="qazwsx">
>       <Description>HowDee</Description>
> </Signal>
> """
> I was thinking of creating a new root element and appending each as a
> subelement and then writing the root element to the file...

That's exactly the right thing since XML requires a single root element.

You can do it like this:

        root = ET.Element("newroot")
        for key, value in some_dict.iteritems():
                signal = ET.SubElement(root, "Signal", name=key)
                ET.SubElement(signal, "Description").text = value

Reading this might help:


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