On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 1:24 PM, Che M<pine...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 14:05:36 +0800
>> From: ld...@gmx.net
>> To: Tutor@python.org
>> Subject: [Tutor] mnemonics to better learn Python
>> Dear List,
>> in order to memorize which Python sequences are mutable or immutable, I
>> focused on the SHAPE of the brackets that are associated with each type
>> of sequence.
>> For instance, a *list* is characterised by square brackets, [].
>> My mnemonic device to memorize that lists are mutable is this: "the
>> brackets have sharp edges, they could be trimmed, taking their edges off".
>> The same thing happens with *dictionaries* (which, okay, are not
>> sequences). Anyway, their brackets, {}, have sharp edges, hence they are
>> mutable.
>> *Tuples*, in turn, have perfectly 'round' brackets, (), and these
>> brackets obviously can't be improved upon by taking anything off them.
>> Hence: tuples are immutable.
>> That leaves us with *strings*, which are also not mutable. Here we have
>> no brackets, and this particular mnemonic device breaks down.
>> What I am interested in is finding out whether you use similar
>> techniques, and if so, which ones? How, for examples, do you make sense
>> of all those special characters that make regular expressions powerful?
>> Do you rely on rote learning, or do you employ some other technique?
>> I reckon that if we could come up with some tips and techniques as to
>> how to uncloud the thick information fog that any beginning programmer
>> has to wade through, the very first steps in learning Python could be
>> made more easy.
>> What insights can you share?
Hello, would anybody have a good memorization technique for boolean
results? Like when using 'or'/'and' what it returns when both are
false, the last is false, etc?
I find it so hard to remember that...
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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