Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 05:13:32 -0700 (PDT)
From: Ali Sina <>
Subject: [Tutor] Challenge
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Hello tutor

I downloaded a guide about learning Python by Michael Dawson which has 
challenges at the end of each chapter. I'm a novice so I encountered a problem 
with this challenge:

"Write a program that flips a coin 100 times and then tells
you the number of heads and tails."
I wrote this code but I know its wrong. Although it works properly:

while True:
??? flips+=1
??? if flips>100:
??????? break
??? if True:
??????? print(flips,'=',h or t)

But it prints every number with the string 'heads'. I'm really blank at this. 
It may have something to do with the 'random' module.


You could use a dictionary to store the outcome and a list with the possible outcomes, then use random.choice to pick an outcome.

Here is my try at it:

In [18]: from random import choice

In [19]: pos = ('head', 'tail')

In [20]: outcomes = {'head':0, 'tail':0}

In [21]: for i in range(100):
   ....:     outcomes[choice(pos)] += 1

In [22]: print outcomes
-------> print(outcomes)
{'head': 46, 'tail': 54}


Daniel Sarmiento.
Tutor maillist  -
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