If your code's more than 10 lines long or so,  put it on pastebin.com and
send us the link rather than inlining the whole thing.  You could also send
it as an attachment.Your formatting is all screwed up and I can't read the
code at all, but I have an idea about your error.

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 8:53 PM, Corey Richardson <kb1...@aim.com> wrote:

> Here is my code that is being used/affected by the block that is erroring.
> The rest is superfluous, and does not affect it:
>   intel = 10  #Define the abilities.
>   strn = 10
>   con = 10
>   dex = 10
>   wis = 10
>   exp = 0
>   cha = 10
>   playHp = 20
>   melWep = 1 # A sword
>   rngWep = 1 #A bow
>   attack = dex+strn/2 #If they hit!
>   melDmg = strn+1+melWep/2 #Melee damage
>   deff = (con/3)+(dex/2)+6 #Defense
>   rngDmg = dex+1+rngWep/2 #Ranged damage
>   print "You are hiking through the woods one day, and you are jumped
>   by a goblin!" #The beginning of the adventure
>   print "Do you want to 1. Attack w/sword, 2. Attack w/bow, 3. Flee,
>   or 4. Nothing"
>   gob1Hp = 10 #First monsters hitpoints
>   def monsAttk (damage, attack,playHp): #A monsters attack         if
> attack > deff:  #Monster hit             playHp -= damage #Player takes
> damage (I think...I will have
>   to work that out)
>           print "You have sustained", damage, "damage, with",
>   damage-playHp, "remaining" #Inform player of their status
>         def gmAttack(monHp, monDef, monAgil) :  #A player attack
>       op1 = raw_input("Your choice?")
>       while op1 != "5":   #Just a loop that you can break out of
>   (possibly...working that out)             if op1 == '1': #Option 1
>               if attack + 10  > monDef : #If the player hits
>                   monHp-= melDmg  #Monster takes damage
>                   print "you did", melDmg, "damage! It now has",
>   monHp, "health left!" #Inform player how much health it has.
>                   monsAttk(4, 15) #Monster attacks             elif op1 ==
> '2': #Option 2                 if attack + 10 >monDef: #If you hit the
> monster
>                   monHp -= rngDmg  #Monster takes damage
>                   print "you did", rngDmg, "damage! It now has",
>   monHp, "health left!"  #Inform player how much health it has
>         monsAttk(4, 15) #Monster attacks
>           elif op1 == '3' : #Option 3
>               if attack + dex > monAgil : #If they can escape
>       print "Thou hast fled!" #They have fled!
>               break #Stop the loop (I think. Can someone please inform
>   me as of how this works? I have looked online...it makes no sense to me)
>           elif op1 == '4' : #Option 4...the dumb one
>               monsAttk(4, 15)  #Monster attacks
>               monsAttk(4,15) #Monster attacks again, cause they are dumb
>               print "You should attack..." #Inform them of their stupidity
>           else : #Well, what the hell did they pick?
>               print "Unknown option, try again!" #Inform them they
>   didn't pick a valid option
>   while gob1Hp >= 0: #Well it is still alive
>       gmAttack(gob1Hp,13,15) #player attacks
>   if gob1Hp <= 0.5 : #if it dies
>       print "Gratz! You have gotten 5 exp! You only have", 100-exp,
>   "exp left till lv 1!" #print their experience
>       exp += 5 #Give them exp
> If you catch an error besides what is wrong, please don't point it out, as
> I would like to work it out myself, unless marked in the comments. But this
> one is evading me...I have playHp defined at the beginning, and I am getting
> this error :
>   Traceback (most recent call last):
>     File "C:\Users\Quick-Start\Documents\Python Doc's\Game_File.py",
>   line 183, in <module>
>       gmAttack(gob1Hp,13,15)
>     File "C:\Users\Quick-Start\Documents\Python Doc's\Game_File.py",
>   line 167, in gmAttack
>       monsAttk(4, 15)
>     File "C:\Users\Quick-Start\Documents\Python Doc's\Game_File.py",
>   line 157, in monsAttk
>       playHp -= damage
>   UnboundLocalError: local variable 'playHp' referenced before assignment
> If you could please help me, that would be great. I'm just trying to get
> the game engine working, as of now, it is 30% done, with Inventory,
> Equipment, and a more sophisticated and simpler code to come. It's a bit of
> a mess now...
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