"Stephen Nelson-Smith" <sanel...@gmail.com> wrote

I'm seeing different behaviour between code that looks to be the same.
It obviously isn't the same, so I've misunderstood something:

In the first instance the two for-loops are inside the chain() call.
In the second you apply the chain inside the loops, so it only
applies to one item at a time.

logs = itertools.chain.from_iterable(glob.glob('%sded*/%s*%s.gz' % (source_dir, log, date)) for log in log_names for date in log_dates)
for log in logs:
...   print log
/Volumes/UNTITLED 1/ded1/access_log-20091105.gz
/Volumes/UNTITLED 1/ded2/access_log-20091105.gz


for date in log_dates:
 for log in log_names:
    logs = itertools.chain.from_iterable(glob.glob('%sded*/%s*%s.gz'
% (source_dir, log, date)))

Gives me one character at a time when I iterate over logs.

The final result is whatever chain() evaluated for the final loop iteration.
Apparently a string.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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