This is my first post to the Python tutor list and I just wanted to introduce myself and give a little background on my skill level prior to asking for Python advice and programming tips. I am relatively new to Python, but I have been dabbling with unix shell scripting for at least 10 years. I can construct powerful one liners using awk, sed, cut, uniq, sort, grep, etc. I definitely know my way around the unix file system. I use vim with various plugins, and I feel like I am the eternal unix student, constantly evolving my skills, but never reaching mastery. I have worked my way slightly past the novice level with Perl, but I never felt that I made the breakthrough that I needed to feel proficient enough to do anything serious with it.

Python feels different. I have the gut instinct that I can really develop my skill set to do great things with the language. By great, I mean, that I can take an idea, a big idea even, and efficiently transform that idea into a software reality. I really want to master this language. I am reading two books at the moment and working through the exercises: Dive into Python by Mark Pilgrim, and Python Programming - An Introduction to Computer Science by Zelle. I have ideas that I want to develop, I put the books down and start scripting, but I always seem to hit a wall based on my lack of knowledge, so I pick up the books again and continue reading. I often wish that I had a private tutor or a Python guru that I could just ask how to get past a certain wall. Perhaps this list has that person or people on it. With that said, I look forward to participating with the Python tutors here.

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