On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 10:40 AM, Hansen, Mike <mike.han...@atmel.com> wrote:

> Perl has "use strict;" to force variable declaration.
> My insane Perl loving co-workers think it's evil that Python doesn't have
> variable declaration. =)
> What are some of the reasons/arguments on why Python doesn't need variable
> declaration? I've gotten around it in Python by using Pyflakes to check my
> code and catch those silly mis-spelling of a variable.

I've never had any serious problems (though I've never worked on huge
projects with Python), but here are some of the reasons that pop into my

1) We're big boys and girls - we're responsible enough to pay attention to
our variables

2) I have no clue, but it may make it easier on the garbage collection -
once a value/object no longer has a reference it can probably be cleared up.
But those c variables you declared way back in the beginning of your
program? Still there (though an anti-argument would be that you're not using
scope properly in this case)

3) If you're writing a small program you should be able to see everything,
but if you're using a big enough program you should be using an IDE that
keeps track of that sort of thing.

I don't know how valid those reasons would be considered... but I, for one,
like the freedom of not having to type:

int a = 0;


int a;

    a = 0;

or any other waste of keystrokes. If I want a new variable, I'll make it
responsibly - whether I need it here or there...

but that's my two cents
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