Thanks, Kent.

As of a day ago, I've moved my Python work to W7. For about the last 4 weeks, I've been using XP. Four weeks ago, I moved my mail and browser to W7, so trying to copy out from one PC to the other is a tale of juggling. Next time I have the deprecation and test msgs appear, I'll print them out, so that I can read the detail.

I'm planning on making the code I'm writing available in a "compiled" form, exe. I hope those messages don't appear when users try to execute the program.

On 2/13/2010 7:06 AM, Kent Johnson wrote:
On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 10:55 PM, Wayne Watson
<>  wrote:
There seems to be something of a general consensus in ordering import
statements. Something like standard library imports first. When using tools
like matlablib or tkinter (maybe), must one keep an order among the relevant
I don't know if there is a general consensus but what I like to do is
standard library imports
s that about? This is anomaly 2.
Deprecation warnings mean the code is using some outdated
functionality that is slated to be removed. You should at least look
at them and see if it is in your code or in scipy.


"Crime is way down. War is declining. And that's far from the good news." --
Steven Pinker (and other sources) Why is this true, but yet the media says
otherwise? The media knows very well how to manipulate us (see limbic,
emotion, $$). -- WTW
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"Crime is way down. War is declining. And that's far from the good news." -- Steven Pinker (and other sources) Why is this true, but yet the media says otherwise? The media knows very well how to manipulate us (see limbic, emotion, $$). -- WTW
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