OK, here's a function that does precisely what I want:

def tzDelta():
"""by whatever means necessary, return the current offset of the local time from utc."""
  osec=3600*(t[3]-u[3]) + 60*(t[4]-u[4]) + (t[5]-u[5])
  return datetime.timedelta(seconds=osec)

As far as I can tell, this should always work. So wouldn't it be nice if there were a less convoluted way to get this??

On Feb 17, 2010, at 3:12 PM, Kent Johnson wrote:

On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 3:48 PM, David Perlman <dperl...@wisc.edu> wrote:
Surely there is a way to simply print out the local time, date and time zone without needing to write your own class... I can't believe this is the only

Here's why I don't believe it. Both the datetime and time modules provide both functions for returning the current local time, and the current utc time. So, assuming that those functions are trustworthy, it *must* be true that the OS always knows the current offset from utc time. So why is there no straightforward way to get that offset in python? I mean, I can do this:

time.timezone gives the offset for standard time.


datetime.timedelta(-1, 64799, 999987)

But then, of course, it's off by a few fractions of a microsecond. This


But doesn't that seem like a ridiculous hack, well outside of the spirit of the zen of python? Shouldn't there be one obvious right way to do this?

Yes, I know that as William sent, the documentation points out that the rules the world over are complicated and irrational. Nonetheless, it is implicit in the existing definitions that the system *knows* the current
offset, even if it doesn't know the whole set of rules...

On Feb 17, 2010, at 2:26 PM, Kent Johnson wrote:

On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 3:12 PM, David Perlman <dperl...@wisc.edu> wrote:

Yeah, I got this part. The thing that's hanging me up is that there
seem to be any way to get a tzinfo instance that contains the current
time zone information. You can do time.timezone to get the seconds from UTC, but there doesn't seem to be any way to convert that into a tzinfo!
would be perfectly satisfied with this:

tz=offset_to_tzinfo(time.timezone) # or whatever
print aware_now.isoformat()

I'm pretty sure that would give me what I want, but there doesn't seem to
any way to do step one without subclassing tzinfo. This makes me feel
I MUST be missing something obvious, because it shouldn't require so much coding just to find out what the current local time and timezone is!

The docs make it clear that you do have to subclass tzinfo, that no
implementations are provided.
It sounds like you want the LocalTimezone class in the examples at the
bottom of this section - "A class capturing the platform's idea of
local time":


"Pseudo-colored pictures of a person's brain lighting up are
undoubtedly more persuasive than a pattern of squiggles produced by a
polygraph.  That could be a big problem if the goal is to get to the
truth."  -Dr. Steven Hyman, Harvard

"Pseudo-colored pictures of a person's brain lighting up are
undoubtedly more persuasive than a pattern of squiggles produced by a
polygraph.  That could be a big problem if the goal is to get to the
truth."  -Dr. Steven Hyman, Harvard

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