"rick" <rdo...@cogeco.ca> wrote in message news:1267029242.9270.13.ca...@rick-desktop...

I would need to read the .03, then the .8, and so on.   I figure all
strings, cast to int  (well, for this example, float).  Would this be
easier if I learned some GUI programming?   Can it be done at all in
just console?

It can but you probably need to fake it by storting the previous anser then
pre-pending the next character. You can do it by using one of the console
I/O libraries to delete the line and rewrite it - conio is one such.

In pseudocode

ans = ''

while not done
  ch = getch()
  ans = ch+ans
  delete line
  print line,

Hope thats enough to start.

Another option for a known length is to use cursor positioning commands
to move the cursor from right to left with each character.

Finally you could use curses, but thats just a pseudo GUI for consoles!


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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