Are you just reposting this exact same e-mail to the list because you didn't
see my reply to the other one, or are you ignoring what I said and posting
the same message again, hoping someone else will answer?
I hope it's not the latter, that's kind of insulting.  The least you could
do is say that my idea didn't make sense or wouldn't work for you in this


On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 7:45 PM, <> wrote:

>  A little stuck and could do with any sudjestions.
> Aim:-
> When the character goes past the middle of the screen, the background &
> level move downwards so the character can get to higher places, think sonic
> the hedgehog.
> This is the bit I'm having problems with, I can get the character to get to
> the center, the background moves up & down but the character won't go back
> down when the level returns to normal height.
>     if bkGroundRect['rect'].top < 0 and charRect['rect'].top <
>         bkGroundRect['rect'].top += spY
>         platRect['rect'].top += spY
> += spY
>         charRect['dir'] = STOP
>     if levelRect['rect'].bottom > winHeight and charRect['rect'].centery ==
> winCenterx:
>             bkGroundRect['rect'].bottom -= spY
>             platRect['rect'].bottom -= spY
> #            jumpRect.bottom -= spY
>             charRect['dir'] = STOP
>   #--this won't execute ? --#
>     if levelRect['rect'].bottom <= winHeight:
>         if charRect['rect'].centery >= winCenterx and
> charRect['rect'].centerx < jumpRect.centerx:
>             charRect['dir'] = DOWN
> I've included the whole code as a note pad so the above makes more sense,
> don't worry about all the comments, that's just for my convenience.
> Thanks guys
> Mark
> 'knight meets wall, wall won't let knight pass, knight says 'neh'
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